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Визитная карточка Барановичского государственного колледжа технологии и дизайна
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Колледж 3 года подряд удерживает 3 место в круглогодичной областной спартакиаде среди учащихся

User Rating: 5 / 5

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МИНИСТЕРСТВА, ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЕ СТРУКТУРЫ - Сайт Президента Республики Беларусь - Міністэрства адукацыі Рэспублікі Беларусь - Главное управление по образованию Брестского облисполкома - ГУ «Региональный центр методического обеспечения профессионального образования Брестской области»

Колледжи Брестской области

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User Rating: 5 / 5

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Immediately built your own F.A.Q part through the help of the easy to use Accordion FAQ plugin

What will happen after my membership expiry?

After your membership expires you may continue using the same template you have downloaded and installed on your domain. In fact, you may use the same template for lifetime if you wish. No other payment is required to keep the same template. The payment is a one-time fee. However, after the expiry, you won’t be able to have support from IceTheme.Also, you can continue using all the templates that you have installed during the membership period, but you can not install any other template after the expiry, no matter when it is has been downloaded.

Do you offer refund?

Yes, we offer a 100% money back program. The refund should be requested up to 14 days from the moment of the payment. Also, note that we will need a valid reason to refund your membership. We can't accept reasons like "I didn't realize this product was for Joomla" or "I don't have enough experience in Joomla to install and customize the template". Contact Us regarding this matter.

What is the IceTheme Template Club?

The IceTheme Template Club provides you full access to our entire collection of Professional Joomla Templates. The templates that you see here at IceTheme are exclusive and copyrighted to IceTheme and can NOT be found elsewhere on the Internet. We are specialized in Joomla and web design. We always do our best to provide to our members the latest features and possibilities that Joomla and web design trends have to offer, by adding to our templates modules, components and plug-ins.

What will I get when I join the club ?

As soon as you complete the payment, you will gain access to the Downloads area of the templates. There you may choose your favorite template and download it straightaway. You will see two parts: the All in One Package and the Source Files.

Can I use an IceTheme Template for a client?

Yes, we offer a 100% money back program. The refund should be requested up to 14 days from the moment of the payment. Also, note that we will need a valid reason to refund your membership. We can't accept reasons like "I didn't realize this product was for Joomla" or "I don't have enough experience in Joomla to install and customize the template". Contact Us regarding this matter.

Can I see your Joomla Templates live before I join the club?

Yes, we offer a 100% money back program. The refund should be requested up to 14 days from the moment of the payment. Also, note that we will need a valid reason to refund your membership. We can't accept reasons like "I didn't realize this product was for Joomla" or "I don't have enough experience in Joomla to install and customize the template". Contact Us regarding this matter.

Do you offer discount if I want to renew my membership at IceTheme?

FAQ content 3

Are the IceTheme templates XHTML/CSS Valid?

User Rating: 5 / 5

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